Ava K Inspires

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Thursday, February 4, 2010


Soon, I will be going to a volcano.  If you have any thoughts on volcanoes

I said:

Volcanoes. Volcanoes. Volcanoes.
 arent volcanoes rather frightening.
arent they?
its so rare that they explode or ooze... and whatever. 
Arent they linked to earthquakes sometimes. With platetectonics
Those are scary too.  
lets say a word together, Outloud.
terrestrial planets  
magma chamber 
 subduction zones  
volcanic ash 
Vulcan, the Roman god of FIRE


ok that was several words. But wasnt it good.
I love Werner Herzog. 
I dont know how he became the person I trust so much in life. 
anyway, take his volcanic activity, ALTHOUGH, maybe you already have, but let's cherish it together. 
La Soufrière is, as Herzog explains, a documentary of an unavoidable catastrophe that didn’t happen. When Herzog learned in 1977 that the volcano, La Soufrière, on the small Caribbean island of Guadaloupe was about to explode and that one man had decided to stay behind, he assembled a small and daring crew and went to interview the man. Once on the evacuated island, Herzog wanders though the empty streets of Guadaloupe’s capital overrun by donkeys and starving dogs. He eventually makes his way, in a feat of either glaring stupidity or daring bravado, to the crater, but is forced to turn back by a plume of toxic fumes. When he does locate the “last man remaining” he finds that there are in fact several men, all homeless and all unafraid of the looming danger.

What makes La Soufrière a particularly beguiling film is Herzog’s banal tone. As is clear, almost from the outset, the volcano didn’t erupt. Yet Herzog insists that during his entire time of the island, the ground shook and the volcano may have been minutes from exploding. In hindsight, he realizes the idiocy of his traveling there and attempting to capture the explosion, the idiocy of sacrificing himself and his crew for apocalyptic footage and some insight into the meaning of life and death. What he comes away with is a striking rumination on absurdity.

While Herzog insists that there is no difference between his fictional and his non-fictional films, it is evident that in the real world, the world that has boundaries, the foolishness, the audacity and the madness that Herzog seeks at the heart of human existence is much closer to the surface than any of us truly realize.

Akas: Die Große Ekstase des Bildschnitzers Steiner, La Soufrière - Warten auf eine unausweichliche Katastrophe.

my dear friend. 
but, enjoy the volcano , 
and I love Werner.

truly ava k

action plan d


I have an odd question and I thought maybe you'd be the one to understand it.
I recently got over a bad case of seriousness. You know, I had to remind myself what a huge liar I was and what a big joke life is. So to keep up the momentum of fun I changed my entire schedule around. I woke up at 7 and had a huge bowl of raisin bran. I was excited because it was a new style for me. A WHOLE day that was new. But then, I had some personal problems with my family that killed my buzz, a real misery downpour. Do people kill your buzz? Is there any way to avoid it? Fight through it? I have solutions to keep going. I'd just like to know if there are preventive measures.
Tomorrow I think I'm gonna find a particular cup with a particular spot. Keep the challenges going. Today's was stay up an entire day without taking a nap.

I said:

You're right, Let's call you Action D, You're right action D....I do understand you.
I would like to first commend you for your use of problem solving. Getting over a case of seriousness...and inmplementing action stradegies such as changing your entire schedual is impressive. That shows a lot of consideration for yourself and how the mind works.
TOOTHAY to you action D
I like the Raisin Bran Plan, man. Its genius.  Maybe next time you try it you should wear a funny hat while you eat the bran.
I would try your plan, but it wouldn't work for me. Something that maybe could work for me... as a plan D...
Well, honestly D-Money, I too am hurldeling over some extreme seriousness. I too am building personal divergence tactics to make it through the next day.
Through today.
Life is a big joke Action D, But that doesn't make you a liar. We honestly believe this stuff sometimes. Its more like we are being tricked than like we are lying.

So to your question, your personal Question about me.
Do people kill your buzz? Is there any way to avoid it? Fight through it?
Yes People kill my buzz.
A lot. 
In fact sometimes there is no Buzz to be killed, yet Something inside me still dies in response to outside stimulous.
If there was a club in which you get a stamp for everytime some schooze hound pissed on my parade I would have a free gallon of milk by now

I think you see my point. Action D. In fact you may say...i took it a step too far into feeling sorry for myself. 
Probably true.  It felt good though. I knew it was  happening and I played the part. I put on the cheese hat and acted like the cheese with the hat. 
What is with the dairy examples. Is dairy exploited everywhere?
Well you started it with the cereal. Did you use soy Action D? because if you did it is all my FAULT.
Is there any way to avoid people killing your internal joys?
Smashing your spleen of good riddance?
What is alive, will die. 
WHat kind of death is all we will learn to know. 
Unless we never see it coming. 
I have written personal essays on this topic. 
This "advice" is so boring it really isnt advice. If there are certain people who cause problems and sadness more than others, consider keeping them away from you. 
One way to fight through is it for you to stay calm as possible. To speak your mind as clearly as possible. 
And to not get involved as much as possible. 
And to become less and less involved. 
Pretty boring. 
People who fuck up your life a lot can be needy and therefore addictive. 
People who need people. are the luckiest people. And if you watch funny girl you will see, that is an ironic song. I watched that recently. 
Unless you want to hide your love away. 
like that beatles song. 
anyway that wont help you because you will be an old maid if you hide your love away. 
its better to be buised and beaten and howling. 
ALTHOUGH being bruised and beaten and howling, isnt very good.  I just think it happens a lot. 
If you do it right, and will try not to do it again. 
Just make sure you endure the realities of whats going on, then you probably will get a red light in your head when old tapes keep replaying. 
Which i think is happening for you and you are thinking, 
what could i do to prevent this....
I dont know is cereal is the answer, but it doesnt hurt. 
YOu strengthening your sense of well being in your own way may help you in other situations. 
A cup in a spot sounds like a good idea. 
Not taking a nap is a great idea. 
I never nap. 
hopefully I didnt give you any useful advice here. 
I will continue to go through my day like a zombie. 
Action Plan D
carry on. 